
C-CORE scientists and engineers regularly publish research findings in refereed journals and other technical media, in order to serve our mandates:

* to further understanding of our physical world in ways that lead to informed decisions and designs, and to safe development; and

* to develop highly qualified individuals, particularly in advanced engineering.

Listed below is a sampling of recent C-CORE publications:

Brown, M., Piercey, G., Phillips, R., Randell, C. and King T. (2012). “SIRAM and PIRAM, application for Canadian offshore developments” (OTC23786). Arctic Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, December 3-5.

Bruce, J., Ralph, F., Stuckey, P. “A Risk Based Approach to Operational Iceberg Management Planning”. Icetech-12, Banff, AB., September 2012.

Emond, J., Morse, B., Richard, M., Stander, E. and A. Viau, 2010. Surface ice observations on the St. Lawrence River using infrared thermography. River Research and Applications, 27: 1090-1105, DOI: 10.1002/rra.1445.

Frederking, R., Hewitt, K., Jordaan, I., Sudom, D., Bruce, J., Fuglem, M., Taylor, R., 2011. Overview of the Molikpaq Multi-year Ice Load Analysis 2007 JIP. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions. July 10-14, 2011.

Fuglem, M. and Jordaan, I, 2013, Chapter 16 – Risk Analysis and Hazards of Ice islands of Springer Book: Arctic Ice Shelves and Ice Islands, Editors Luke Copland and Derek Mueller (In Press).

Fuglem, M., Jordaan, I., Bruce, J., 2011. Estimation of the Peak Impact Load on the Molikpaq by a Multi- year Floe on May 12, 1986 Based on Floe Deceleration. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions. July 10-14, 2011.

Fuglem, M., Parr, G. and Jordaan, I., 2013, Plotting Positions for Fitting Distributions and Extreme Value Analysis, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 40, 130-139.

Fuglem, M., Parr, G., Jordaan, I., Verlaan, P., Peek, R., 2013, Sea ice scour depth and width parameters for design of pipelines in the Caspian sea, POAC.

Fuglem, M., Richard, M., Kennedy, A. King, T. and Cater, N., 2012, An Ice Island Risk Model for Offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, International Polar Year, April 22-27, 2012, Montreal, Quebec

Fuglem, M., Richard, M., Kennedy, A., King, T. and Cater, N. (2012). “Modeling risks to offshore facilities associated with ice islands off Canada’s east coast”. ICETECH 2012, September 17-20, Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Fuglem, M., Stuckey, P, and Jordaan, I.J., 2011, Probabilistic Ice Loads Assessments for Arctic Regions: Inputs for Calibration of ISO 19906 , OTC Arctic Technology Conference, 7-9 February 2011, Houston, Texas, USA

Halliday, E.J., King, T., Bobby, P., Copland, L., and Mueller, D. (2012). “Petermann ice island ‘A’ survey results, offshore Labrador” (OTC 23714). Arctic Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, December 3- 5.

Halliday, E.J., Zakeri, A. and King, T. (2011). “A gas hydrate resource initiative for Newfoundland and Labrador”. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH 2011), Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, July 17 – 21, 2011.

Howell, C., Bobby, P., Power, D., Randell, C., 2012. Detecting Icebergs in Sea Ice using Dual Polarized Satellite Radar Imagery, ICETECH, September, 2012, Banff, Alberta

Howell, C., Power, D., Lynch, M., Dodge, K., Bobby, P., Randell, C., Vachon, P., Staples, G., 2008. Dual Polarization Detection of Ships and Icebergs – Recent Results with ENVISAT ASAR and Data Simulation of RADARSAT-2. Proceedings IEEE IGARSS 2008, Boston, MA, USA.

Jordaan, I., Bruce, J., Hewitt, K., Frederking, R., 2011. Re-evaluation of Ice Loads and Pressures Measured in 1986 on the Molikpaq Structure. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions. July 10-14, 2011.

Jordaan, I., Bruce, J., Masterson, D., Frederking, R., 2010. Local Ice Pressures for Multiyear Ice Accounting for Exposure. Cold Regions Science and Technology Vol. 61, Issues 2-3, May 2010.

Jordaan, I., Stuckey, P., Bruce, J., Croasdale, K. and Verlaan, P., 2011. Probabilistic Modeling of the Ice Environment in the NE Caspian Sea and Associated Structural Loads, in Proceedings of POAC 2011, Montréal, Canada.

King, T. (2011). “Protection of pipelines from ice gouging”. Journal of Pipeline Engineering (JPE), Vol. 10, 2nd Quarter, pp. 115-120.

King, T. (2012). “Iceberg interaction frequency model for subsea structures” (OTC23787). Arctic Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, December 3-5.

King, T. and Sonnichsen, G. (2008). “A review of recent iceberg scour survey data from the Labrador Shelf”. 19th IAHR International Symposium on Ice, Vancouver, Canada.

King, T. and Sonnichsen, G. (2010). “Seabed and iceberg scour conditions affecting a potential pipeline landfall offshore Labrador”. ICETECH 2010, Anchorage, Alaska.

King, T., Howell, C., Youden, J. and Lynch, M. (2009). “2006 Labrador iceberg survey”. POAC ’09, Lulea, Sweden.

King, T., Phillips, R. and Barrett, J. (2008). “Probabilistic Pipeline Burial Analysis for Protection against Ice Scour”. Proceedings ICETECH 2008, Banff, Alberta, Canada, July 20-23.

King, T., Phillips, R. and Barrett, J. (2009). “Evaluating pipeline risk due to strudel scour”. POAC ’09, Lulea, Sweden.

King, T., Phillips, R. and Johansen, C. (2011). “Pipeline routing and burial depth analysis using GIS software”. OTC 900562, Arctic Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, 7-9 February, 2011.

King, T., Phillips, R., Barrett, J. and Sonnichsen, G. (2009). “Probabilistic pipeline burial analysis for protection against ice scour”. Cold Regions Science and Technology, Vol. 59, No. 1, October, pp. 58-64.

King, T., Phillips, R., Barrett, J., and Cuff, A. (2012). “GIS based analysis for pipeline protection against ice gouging” (OTC23791). Arctic Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, December 3-5.

King, T., Ralph, F., Barrett, J., and Zakeri, A. (2012). “Physical and numerical modeling of a sub-surface caisson for protection of subsea facilities against scouring icebergs” (OTC23789). Arctic Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, December 3-5.

McKenna, R. and King, T. (2009). “Modeling iceberg shape, mass and draft changes”. POAC ’09, Lulea, Sweden.

McKenna, R., Marcellus, R., Croasdale, K., McGonigal, D. and Stuckey, P., 2008. Modeling of Ice Rubble Accumulation around Offshore Structures, in Proceedings of ICETECH’08, paper ICETECH08-116.

McKenna, R., McGonigal, D., Stuckey, P., Crocker, G., Marcellus, R., Croasdale, K., Verlaan, P.and Abuova, A., 2011. Modeling of Rubble Accumulations in the North Caspian Sea, in Proceedings of POAC 2011, Montréal, Canada, this volume.

McKenna, R., Stuckey, P., Fuglem, M., Crocker, G., McGonigal, D., Croasdale, K., Verlaan, P., Abuova, A., 2011, Ice Encroachment in the North Caspian Sea, POAC

Moore, P., King, T., Fuglem, M. and Sonnichsen, G. (2011). “Iceberg Scour Rise-Up Modeling”. POAC11- 099, Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions, July 10-14, 2011, Montreal, Canada.

Morse, B. and M. Richard, 2009. A field study of suspended frazil ice particles. Cold Regions Science and Technology. 55(1): 86-102.

Morse, B., Richard, M., Hamaï, K., Godin, D., Choquette, Y. and G. Pelletier, 2010. Gauging Rivers during All Seasons Using the Q2D Velocity Index Method. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 136(4): 195-203.

Nzokou, T.F., Morse, B., Robert J.-L., Richard, M. and E.E. Tossou, 2010. Numerical characteristics of a coupled river ice and hydrodynamic model. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. 38:(4) 393-403, 10.1139/l11-009

Nzokou, T.F., Morse, B., Robert, J-L., Richard, M. and E.E. Tossou, 2010. Water wave transients in an ice- covered channel. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. 38:(4) 404-414, 10.1139/l11-010.

Parr, G., Fuglem, M., Jordaan, I., Verlaan, P., 2013, Stamukha pits – input characteristics for design of pipelines in the Caspian sea, POAC.

Phillips, R., King, T. and Bruce J. (2012). “PIRAM: pipeline ice risk assessment and Mitigation overview” (PPC2012-90423). Proceedings of the 2012 9th International Pipeline Conference (IPC2012), September 24-28, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Power, D., Bobby, P., Howell, C., Ralph, F., Randell, C., 2011. State of the Art in Satellite Surveillance of Icebergs and Sea Ice, ATC 2011, 7-9 February, Houston, Texas.

Ralph, F., King, T. and Zakeri, A. (2011). “Alternative concepts to gloryholes for protection of subsea infrastructure in ice prone regions”. OTC 22137, Arctic Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, 7-9 February, 2011.

Randell, C., Ralph, F., Power, D., and Stuckey, P. (2009). Technological Advances to Assess, Manage and Reduce Ice Risk in Northern Developments. In Proceedings 2009 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, May 4-7, 2009.

Richard, M. and R. McKenna, 2013. Factors influencing managed sea ice loads. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions (POAC), Espoo, Finland, June 9-13

Richard, M., Morse, B., Daly, S.F. and J. Emond, 2010. Quantifying suspended frazil ice using multi- frequency underwater acoustic devices. River Research and Applications, 27: 1106-1117, DOI: 10.1002/rra.1446.

Russell, K., Howell, C., Bobby, P., McHugh, S., Power, D., Rizkalla, M., 2008. Integration of RADARSAT-2 Dual and Quad Polarization Data into Pipeline Third Party Encroachment Monitoring, Proceedings of IEEE IGARSS 2008, Boston, Massachusetts.

Sonnichsen, G.V. and King, T. (2011). “2004 Grand Banks iceberg scour survey”. POAC11-188, Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions, July 10-14, 2011, Montreal, Canada.

Sonnichsen, G.V., Breton, C., Carr, E., Campbell, P., King, T. (2009). “Repetitive seabed mapping to constrain iceberg scour frequency estimates, offshore Labrador, Canada”. POAC ’09, Lulea, Sweden.

Stuckey, P., Ralph, F., and Jordaan, I. (2008) Iceberg Design Load Methodology. In Proceedings ICETECH 2008, Banff, Alberta, July 2008.

Stuckey, P., Ralph, F., Fuglem, M., Moore, P. and Jordaan, I. (2009) Probabilistic Iceberg Impact Loads on Floating Structures. POAC ’09, Luleå, Sweden, June 9-12, 2009.

Widianto, Khalifa, J., Karlsson, T., Stuckey, P., Gjoerven, A. and Younan, A. (2013) Design of Hebron Gravity Based Structure for Iceberg Impact. in Proceedings of ISOPE 2013, Anchorage, Alaska, June-July, 2013.